Originally Posted by kenchan
garage or music room. mostly was in my music room yesterday.  im about 2200 miles NE of LA. i know cause ive driven it numerous times (before kids). 
An Asian Canuck? I had a feeling (but only because of how soon youre gearing up for winter). Do you speak French too?
Today? While going on a leisurely drive to the local dvd rental kiosk, I plugged the aux cable into my iPhone, tuned in some Shiny Toy Guns and before you know it I was turning VDC off. At the next lonely light it was due time (apparently) to launch at 4k, which immediately led to 5, 6, 7 AND 8k RPMs. Ahhh, but the rear end was bucking, the tires were cold, the (SHIFT NOW) indicator was blinkin' and I was well on my way to 70mph in no time!
Shoulda known better than to go with Shiny Toy Guns....it happens to me every time!
I love my Z!