I used to drive a 350ZR all year in here, Canada.
My suggestion is, get a set of very good snow tires. I didn't put sand-bag in the trunk, and it was ok.
The other thing is ground clearance, I got stuck in snow couple times because of that, so be very careful and don't be over optimistic if you see some THICK LAYER of snow.
About the VDC, it is useful, I mean, very very useful.
There were one time my car get onto a huge area of ice on a ramp off from highway, I was going about 30-40km/h and I saw there were two cars had collided together already, and my car was just starting to lose control on the iced-surface, I hit the brake all the way (don't say I shouldn't do that thus lost traction blah blah blah..... at that moment there was nothing you can do beside that) , the VDC engaged and control the brakes individually and eventually I can pull my car away from those vehicles. That time was very very close.
The other time was after I've make a lane change on the HWY and the lane I got on was practically ice-surfaced. My car started to fish-tail, I didn't hit the brake but I hold on to the steering properly, and I just kept my foot steady on the gas. The VDC kicked in again and safe my life another time.
I have snows tires on during winter.
One note, VDC won't get you out of snow, you need to gas the Z out of the snow, but once you have the car moving, the VDC will keep you away from trouble.
The Z can actually drive very good on snow, consider it is a performance car, I can manage the Z about 70-90km/h on a snow covered HWY.
Last edited by alcheng; 11-13-2011 at 11:47 PM.