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Old 11-11-2011, 01:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default K & N Intakes Installed

Hey everybody, thought I'd share my experience. I finally got up and installed these intakes that I've had for quite some time and I must say, I am VERY pleased with these bad boys. Low RPM to mid RPM, WOT sounds like the Grim Reaper is on your ***!!!! Almost sure I won't get a CBE now, just love the sound. I wanted to post about some things that went right and went wrong for me.

1) When disassembling, make sure you're taking off the correct parts. Read ahead - you will have a male half to insert a rubber tube over on each side. It was a little confusing for me, not being versed in the parts names. Being sure that you've removed the proper parts, will make for a MUCH easier install.

2) STEPS 19 & 33 When inserting the 90deg elbow (08110) into each intake tube, be VERY careful not to break the 90. Once you give a few twists it will get seriously hard to turn. I was SO afraid that I was going to break it. Be mindful of where you're putting pressure / holding the 90. Once you know you won't get it around again to match the picture, you're good to go.

3) STEPS 23 & 37 Be extremely careful when installing the mounting bracket to the heat shield. I dropped the bolt and washer down into the engine, landing in the plastic pan underneath. A trip to Lowes for a magnet was next on the list. Also, having a small adjustable wrench during this step will help get to the bolt head on the outside of the heat shield.

So just to wrap up, I am very pleased with this intake set-up. For me, taking my time and reading and re-reading the instructions was key. The dropped parts was the most frustrating, along with NOT taking off enough hoses in disassembly. Had to get to some spring clamps AFTER starting assembly.

The small pieces of hose that seem to give alot of people trouble was a breeze for me. After reading the posts, I was prepared for the fight. I inserted a deep socket into the trouble end, and twisted as I pushed up. That got that end wallered out enough to slip on. Just a touch of dish soap and they went right on.

It's safe to say that everyone finds something new that gives a little trouble. But, after a few gouged up knuckles and two trips to Lowes I am VERY happy with the install.

A funny side note....when I was finished...tightened down everything. No tools in the engine bay. Get in the car, very nervous to see if I had done everything right. Start her up...........warning triangle lights up and stares me right in the face. Oh crap!!!! Turn the car off, start her up again...light is still on!!!!! I've done something wrong, and I'll have to take all of that s**t apart! Well, as it turns out, that warning light comes on WHEN THE DOOR IS OPEN!!!! HAHA I got a good laugh out of that. Good luck everybody.
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