Originally Posted by Bonzo
You guys are getting all fancy schmancey with your flashing this and flashing that. It makes me dizzy.
Yet it seems like I've read about 75,000 threads on this topic, both about the EVO-R light and the OEM light, and no one that I've read has clearly shown or listed how any normal person like me (insert self B.S. here  ) wants to hook this up. All I want is a simple 4th brake only light, that works just like the 3rd brake only light in the spoiler. I THINK all I need to do is hook into the green wire on the drivers side taillight wiring, but I'm still not sure.
I don't need all that flashy flashy business. Personally I'm not even fond of it. For example, I hate those Mustang tail light turn signals that sweep from center to out. 
I'm in the same boat. About the time I think I've got it figured out, I read the next post in a DIY and I'm all confoozed again because everyone's doing different stuff with it. Wish there was a DIY for just 'it lights up when you push the pedal in the middle'.