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Old 11-10-2011, 07:32 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Methodical4u View Post
some people will use a starter fluid around those areas sometimes too, if you hear the engine suddenly rev up a little bit under idle, you likely have found your leak. It's been a while since I did any of that stuff though.

One other question... are the pipes on with a worm type clamp or T-bolt clamp?
thanks guys for all your input so far. as to the clamp question, I have worm type at the throttle body and t bolts for the rest. I have some extra t bolts that Im going to install at the throttle body just to make sure everything is clamped securely. I'm going to look at everything this weekend and see if I can find out if there is a leak somewhere. about the idle, it seems to idle smoothly but sometimes idles a little rough. the thing I notice the most is when the car is warmed up and idling the revs will drop a little then go back to normal. idle doesn't bounce around but drops slightly then goes back to normal. it's also not the fan kicking on either because the fan doesn't come on when the revs drop. hope this makes sense.
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