Heck mine sounds and works good for me less than $300 to have two resonators and nice tips installed. I have OEM that I can bolt back on at anytime to quiet things done if I start getting pulled over too much for reving it up. At cruise it's quiet. Acceration, nice tone. Wide open.... OMG it sounds like a Lambo. Guess the shop and I guessed right. It's a straight thru design and looks good to me. I need to probably spray the OEM exhaust to before the axle though just in case someone looks under the car.
MOV09901.MPG - YouTube
Turn it up. Sounds even better over 5K which is the most I can rev to in Park. Maybe after it's warmed up you can rev higher. I'll try to get some better youtubes uploaded in the future now that I set up a account.
Have fun. There are a lot of resonator vids out there. Mine just seems to be a little quietier and doesn't pop on downshifts etc... However, lots of guys like that sound.