Originally Posted by onzedge
Your chances are slim to none. It cracks me up when people who actually are speeding and then get caught try anything they can to get out of it. You did it. You got caught. Pay the fine. Invest in a quality radar detector and be more vigilant.
I've gotten out of plenty of tickets, but that's how I feel. If the officer cites me for a crime I committed, I'll just pay it. And I have, PLENTY of times

. If I feel that the ticket, or even the traffic stop itself, was unjust, I'll fight it. Although the only tickets I've had in the last 4 years were "No proof of insurance" because I borrowed my ex's dads truck while I was doing my engine swap, got rear ended, and didn't have the current ins. card in the truck. Went to court as soon as they had the ticket in the system, showed my insurance card and the current insurance on the truck and got it dropped. I also got a speeding ticket on a road that's pretty well known locally for it's "fun factor", but the officer didn't write anything in the Speed Observed section. I wasn't even speeding, and the cop ticketed me over an hour after I was supposedly speeding. He never witnessed me even driving the car, let alone speeding. I pointed that out to the judge and got that dropped
It boggles my mind when people shout "Hire an attorney!" for a speeding ticket, though. If you want something done right, do it yourself. It's traffic court... You're not on trial for a Ponzi scheme. It's pretty simple to defend yourself lol