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Old 11-07-2011, 08:39 PM   #111 (permalink)
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eclipse99fwb is on a distinguished road

Cmike2780 I wasn't there so I can't say how or why it happened, I was just reporting what the accident report said.
Heres what it says page 8: "Vehicle 2 (370z) was impeded by traffic in the roadway in front of him and applied his brakes. This cause the front of vehicle 1 (silverado) to collide withe rear of vehicle 2. The impact cause vehicle 2 to exit the roadway to the left..."
The accident report is from witness statements along with evidence, so I thought it probably is likely what happened.

I wasn't saying his braking caused him lose control, I meant the combination of braking with a rearend impact immediatly following.
just a theory but if he was going 70+mph and applied full braking power, this shifted the cars wait forward. At the same time if the car with all the weight going forward was hit from behind, would push the car into a spin.
I'm only getting this from my past experience of owning a nissan hardbody rwd truck and remembering how shifting the weight in it, I could easily get the backend to spin. Again just a theory, I'm leaving it to the police who are more experts than I.
Also I'm not trying to justify anyones action, my personal opinon is they both commited stupid acts, nothing can justify putting the public at danger like that. Lets all just learn something from this, no ones family needs to go through what that guys family is going through.
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