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Old 11-07-2011, 12:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fly1 Motorsports
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Default Strange 7AT Problem this AM...

So this morning I'm driving to work as usual, slow bumper to bumper traffic on the side streets of Los Angeles. I'm about 2 minutes away from my office, when my car just fails to accelerate while in "drive". When I pressed the gas, the engine would rev, but wouldn't go. I turned on my hazards, put the car into park, and then back into drive, and I would be able to accelerate for about 20 seconds, then boom...same problem; revving w/ no acceleration!

I tried flipping into "manual" mode, but it wouldn't even let me do it (the gear selector on the center display remained in "D" instead of switching to manual gear #s). I pulled into my parking garage at work, and haven't done anything further yet. I did shut off the car, then re-start just to check if I could get into manual mode...and after re-starting, I WAS able to get into manual mode. I haven't tried driving yet though.

The oil temp was about 210deg; and I have a little less than half tank of gas. I have basic bolt ons / Uprev tune...but haven't ever had problems; and it's been a while since install. What do you guys think...simple ECU freak out...or something more? I really don't drive the car hard at all, so I would be surprised if there was some major tranny issue. Should I just try taking it out of the garage and see if it drives normally...or be extra cautious and get it towed to the dealer?

Thanks in advance!
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