Originally Posted by Dallaz
No sir, mine is also a vinyl wrap. The only way to tell in person is really by the reflections. The guys at Skinzwraps really do a good job. Glad to know it looks indistinguishable from painting it lol
Wow...had the wool pulled over my eyes on that one...looks great I am sold.
Originally Posted by Dallaz
I'm in the same boat as you on this part. But the thing is you won't be disappointed in a wrap. Trust me it looks good. A lot of newer vehicles are adopting this look and come from the factory with a black roof, so it would be hard to say that this would effect resale value even if painted. The only other reason to get it painted in my opinion is if you are worried about the longevity of the wrap and how it will hold up. But for me this was a no brainer because I don't drive it that often and I always have it under a car cover in the parking garage.
Exactly how I was thinking - resale and longetivty. But hey if it wears or gets swirl marks it can just be rewrapped cheaper than a repaint. Mine is always garaged.
Yours and Truerocket11 look so much like paint. I do have a concern and it's the color blend from the roof to rear window and tint %. I live in Cali where tint is frowned on with the law and poo poo. I am running probably about a 30-35 % tint on the rear. Do you think it will blend well?