Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
Because the car looks fast they actually think it IS fast! 
Haha that commercial always make me
Originally Posted by Babeblues04
Lol. I have dealt with my fair share of d-bag celica owners as well. They must have really big egos.
When I had my rsx, I had one try to race me. I guess he lost sight of the road and hit a curb and blew a tire out. Oops.
Funny you say that, about a month into my Z ownership some other kid in a Celica decided was going too slow for the rainy conditions. He overtook me in a corner and lost traction. Dumb kid over corrected his slide and slammed right into the guardrail then bounced and landed on the other side of the road into the curb.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Were you in the Z or the Altima when this happened Ron? I could see it happening in either one 
It was in my Z lol. I blend in with the population in the Altima haha.