Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
I kina dig this car, but I don't get the "I'll get one as a DD and keep my Z" thing. They are similar enough that if you need a DD as well as a Z, just get a STi, suv, comfy sedan etc vs. some small, impractica for hauling anything, second car, it's almost like saying I have Z, so I'll get another Z as my DD to save my original Z from wear and tear.
Still would love to see and STi'd version of this from Subaru, I'l be really tempted were that to happen...
I'm one of those thinking about this as a DD. The thing is it is quite different from my Z so I don't see the argument for just getting another Z -- though I have thought about getting the coupe for DD and leaving the 'vert for those perfect 'vert days

. But sometimes tossing around a light, moderately powered, car is a blast.
I need a new DD, but I don't like comfy sedans, STis, etc. I've got no need to haul anything around so this sounds like a good deal all around.