I would only ever consider buying a PS3 for its bluray player. As such, I would never buy a PS3.
It just doesn't have anything not also on the 360. Except Uncharted 3, which looks like the bees knees. And Darth Vadar in Soul Caliber, but I hated him in that game.... And graphics wise, its not any better than the 360.
On a related note, the next gen PS4 and 720 should be about 2 years away, 3 tops. The 360 still has Halo 4 being released November of next year and they are not going to knee cap their flagship title by giving it a short multi-player life. I expect the 720 to be Christmas time of 2014 or early in 2015. The PS4 will probably launch around a similar time.
Only reason I could see the next gen consoles coming sooner is if MS decided to use Halo 4 as a launch title which would be the sex.