Originally Posted by CraigP
Local store stopped carrying the usual tire shine that I have used in the past - Meguiar's Hot Tire Shine (in the black spray can) and started carrying Meguiar's Endurance Tire Shine in it's place.
Well I used this stuff today and I am NOT impressed. It comes in a pump spray bottle. The sprayer didn't want to work properly, and once I did get it working it puts out this HUGE fan of spray that goes EVERYWHERE.
It dries quickly so when you get it on the wheels you better be wiping it off quick because it's tough to get off. It sprays as a whitish liquid that tends to bubble up which means you have to wipe the tire down. Not a huge problem, but once you do that rag or towel is pretty much ruined. The the crud that comes off the tire won't wash out of it.
Once it's wiped down it looks ok, and because I just tried it tonight I can't say how long it lasts yet, but because of the other issues I'll be looking for something else to dress the tires with in the future.
Just thought I'd pass it on!
I like Meguiars, but I have to agree.... this stuff is crap. Luckily, I run a parts store and didn't have to pay for the junk. Same problem with the pump and very "streaky". I'll never use it again and wouldn't recommend it.