Originally Posted by onzedge
Thanks, Mr. Kenchan. I ordered the middle section this morning.
Yeah, although we don't have an HOA, the few renters in our little neighborhood don't seem to repsect the way things should be either. If we did have an HOA I am sure that, with the kind of stuff we do with various cars, I would see them regularly goose-stepping up my driveway, ticketbooks in hand, ready to take us kicking and screaming to the re-education camps.
hahaha, yah, but if you're willing to be on the board you could twist things around and make all the car guys stuff = OK.
Originally Posted by Masa
Public schools were out today around here for some reason. No traffic means Altima stays home and Z comes out for the work commute.
werd. would think they would have halloween parties at school...(?) anyway
to you.