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Old 10-31-2011, 10:17 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default questions before purchasing 370z

im new to this forum so im not entirely sure if im posting this in the right section but it seems appropriate.

Im strongly considering buying a 370z between January and March and i decided to do some proper research before committing to such a large purchase.

Im aware of the minor issues some people have with the car such as blindspots, no heated mirrors, trunk space etc. these things dont really worry me all that much. However, i am concerned with what ive been reading on the transmission issues in terms of the grinding of various gears at both low and high rpms, and the clutch not fully disengaging when shifting into first.

I did read a thread that said there was a possible silent fix to this problem in the late 2010+ models so it should no longer be an issue but nothing official.

How many people have had this problem and has it been resolved? Im sure that many who have had this problem had transmissions replaced under warranty but still get the same problems again.

also this the oil temp issue simply just solved with the addition of an oil cooler? (this issue doesnt bother me as much as the Transmission problem).

this could be a deal breaker for me if it hasnt be addressed properly by nissan.
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