Will is a vendor who is trying to sell his product here among other vendors. Do I like replica or will put replica on my car? no. But that doesn't mean the member "John smith" won't. Everyone has their own taste and interest. If you're looking for a authentic Amuse kit (catagory 1), please contact our vendors who carries such kit. If you ARE in the market for replica kit (catagory 2), please get in touch with the vendors who sells them. If you do not fall into catagory 1 or 2, you have no reason to post or put your

in this thread. This is a classified thread. I know how replica kits are portrayed . I personally don't like them or care for them. But regardless of what we do, there WILL be replica kits. It's unavoidable. If the members don't buy from our forum (vendors), they will simply buy from other Z forums or their websites. I wanted my members to have ALL the available option (from Authentic to replica) for their 370z. After all, THE370z is about giving 370Z owners a-z all available options.
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Vendor/Sponsor Classified Rules