Originally Posted by W.O.W. 370Z
435whp on a mustang dyno on my 7AT is not 450-465 on a dynojet.
Camber with the 295/30/20 is 2.6.
Originally Posted by W.O.W. 370Z
Pics of -3 camber and 345s?
Edit: Where did I say it was -3 camber. Wholeeoh is speculating.
It is at stock camber specs in that pic. That is my starting point. Taking it from there.
Don't forget to post pics of 345 and -3 camber.
Does this look like -3 camber? 
so you didnt have quite 3 even at -2 i dont use the full tire in the rear under autocross conditions.
I have no pics of a 345 wide on my car.
it doesnt matter how wide the tire is, if the camber remains the same your only going to use a certain percentage of it. steve is right, if you were looking for more traction you should've went to stockish camber specs before spending a ton of dough on huge *** tires. but hey its your car