It's not just seniors... it can be anyone nowadays in the digital age.
Running the red light is becoming a much more common occurrence these days. At every intersection, there are plenty of red light offenders. I'm starting to see at least 3 cars turning left on the red light even as the other cars are already moving close to the middle of the intersection! Heck, they even run the red light in front of cops!
I can understand the need to briefly have a conversation on the phone. I'm personally not too crazy about being on the phone for more than a minute anywhere unless I'm already home. However, I'm starting to see more people glued to their phone, swerving, stalling traffic, driving at least 5 under, etc. It's bad enough they'll run the red light, but it's bad enough to see people not on phones who intentionally run the red.
Lotta risk takers out there...