Originally Posted by Skeeterbop
So earlier tonight I was headed over to Wal-Mart when something odd happened. As I was pulling up to a stop light I noticed the flash of a red light camera going off. I looked around to see who was running the light and I was the only car around. I came to a stop well behind the line and noticed that the camera was a ways back from the intersection. There was only the one set of lines that I stopped at. Now to be clear, if I do receive a ticket from this I fully intend to fight it. I had a friend riding with me who can witness what happened, but how many think I will actually get a ticket from this and what are my chances of getting it thrown out if I do?
You are 100% fine. I do this sometimes to mess with the camera and make it go off. As you come to the red light and come to a sudden stop and the camera is "tricked" into thinking you are about to run the red light. It takes the first "Flash Shot" but not the second. If you did go through and/or didn't stop before making a right turn, it takes a second "flash shot". That is when you get the ticket in the mail.