Originally Posted by Skeeterbop
So earlier tonight I was headed over to Wal-Mart when something odd happened. As I was pulling up to a stop light I noticed the flash of a red light camera going off. I looked around to see who was running the light and I was the only car around. I came to a stop well behind the line and noticed that the camera was a ways back from the intersection. There was only the one set of lines that I stopped at. Now to be clear, if I do receive a ticket from this I fully intend to fight it. I had a friend riding with me who can witness what happened, but how many think I will actually get a ticket from this and what are my chances of getting it thrown out if I do?
You cannot fight them. Period. Many of those tickets are based out of another state, even, from what I understand. You may get something in the mail from NY. (My cousin did, which is what I base this on).
However, if you do not pay it (where I live), the maximum find only increases to like $125, and no warrant is issued, nor does it count on your license.