FWIW my two farthings are worth...
****Summary of Z Data****
Straight line Peformance
Derived from data on Z's listed as bone stock from the 1/4 thread: M (SD) N
MT: 13.67 sec (.07), 103.63 MPH (.40), 11
AT: 13.52 sec (.08), 104.62 MPH (.92), 9
Values do not include clear outliers or folks with bolt-on's, different gear sets, etc.
Dynojet derived whp and drivetrain loss
Average power for 370Z or G37: 273 +/-5
Average power for Nismo version: 290 +/-5
Drive train losses for both AT and MT appear to be between 16.5% and 17.5%
Enjoy it. Destroy it.