Thread: Z06 vs. 370Z
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Old 10-27-2011, 04:06 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ImportConvert View Post
I guess my question with the 370Z it like a knight in tin-foil, or is it as quality as it feels on first touch--through and through--. To me, it felt maybe 9.5 out of 10 as quality as a Cayman S except for the paint. (I did not drive the Cayman, just felt/sat/looked). I am just worried that at $40K, the car has an interior that looks $60K, and I hope that it doesn't fall apart like a $20K interior with extra money spent trying to put lipstick on a pig is all, if any of that makes sense?
My impression is that the Z's interior is the real deal. It's nice. You do begin to notice some "$40k" qualities in various ways when you drive the car every day, though, such as:

-ergonomics (for example, resting your arm on the left armrest does not put your hand in a great position to hold the wheel, for long drives - I drove an M3 and have to say it was PERFECT on this aspect)
-clutch smoothness (or lack thereof)
-clutch chatter
-knotchy shifter
-engine harshness above 5-6k
-incompetent traction control system
-can't open hatch from inside
-big blind spots (you get used to this quickly though, with proper side-mirror alignment)
-apparently, short people can't see over the big side mirrors

On balance, I think these issues are minor for what you are getting. And for people who use their Z as a weekend car, most of these are probably not an issue whatsoever. But when you DD a car, you will always catch on to its imperfections.
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