Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
You will be amazed at the money you will be stashing away once you pay off your house.
I can sympathize with your garage wishes. I just moved from a house with a 26 x 24 garage with a side work area of 8 x 8 to townhouse with a a 17 x 18 garage. Plus, I don't have a private driveway anymore.
At least the days of spending five hours a week (minimum) maintaining a 1.5 acre lot are over.
yah, im looking forward to the increase in my savings account.

the thing about me is my dad (retired long time) is a house/garden/farm whore.

hahaha. he owned several lux houses while he lived in the states and and guess who got to help keep them maintained on the weekends while i lived at my parent's place? yah, no thanks. while he paid me generously im not a gardener type, i hate mowing the grass, and i hate working with soil (aka little farm of his).
im perfectly happy with contractors doing my lawn and snow removal.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
All this talk about car covers depresses me. My last run in the Z was yesterday, now it sits in it's stall. I still need to wash and correct it... then cover it up.
Is the Quicksilver good for dust prevention and indoor storage? Where is a good online place to purchase? I was looking at Block it 200 from CoverCraft.com. I know it's cheap but I figured I didn't need anything too fancy with it sitting in an insulated garage for the winter. What do you guys think?
i can't speak for quicksilver yet as this is the first time trying it but it repells water unlike normal 'dust covers' so i wont have to worry about water seeping through the cover onto the paint like the cover i have for the G. my Z will be garaged but when i open the garage door to get my G out i know blowing snow will get all over the hatch area....so i wanted to get a cover to minimize water stains.