I learned on an 01 Eclipse Spider. I drove it about 4 hours on my own and then I got it to my house. (Stalled it only once thank god.)
But the next day I took it to work, which was over 2 freeways in bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way to downtown Los Angeles where there are plenty of steep hills...
It took me just that one day to learn stick! LOL
I have a 90 300zx you can learn stick on if you want... But you'll need to come out to Los Angeles!

I've already taught 2 people how to drive stick on it...
EDIT: Just so you know, the Eclipse wasn't my car, but it was my idea to trade cars with my friend for a few weeks so I could get used to driving stick. He messed my car up good... Sadly I gave him his car back in BETTER condition than it was when I got it. He owes me seats and a transmission.