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Old 10-25-2011, 11:51 AM   #21 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Lug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to beholdLug is a splendid one to behold

Originally Posted by Spikuh View Post
Unless you have a pocket nuclear power plant or solar panels, electricity would be out of the question for a looooooong time. A lot of the plants should suvive a good while, but its going to be gathering the resources needed to run the plants that is the problem. Extracting the coal and natural gas for most of the power plants would be noisy and attract a lot of attention at best, and deaths traps at worst. The other problem is going to be keeping them secure from the zombies so they could be run 24/7. I am doubting that would be possible on the mainlands considering you would probably run out of bullets before zombies.

Of course, I am assuming a few million survivors spread out all over the planet so no real population density which is going to be neceessary for any real level of recovery.
Simple fix? Save bullets, electrify the fences!
keep Chubbs in your pocket - Chubbs
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