Originally Posted by Ron
I wish I didn't have a nismo so I could say something about it not being "rarer" than a sport package Z and not get flamed. Also, for non car people, base=sport=touring.. they can't tell the difference, heck! they can't even tell its not a 350.
About the car show, they are always fun and it's even better when you are the center of attention  good job!
Hey thanks a lot. When you have a free Saturday, you should throw your NISMO in one. The import count in them are extremely low. Mustangs, camaros, vettes, challengers and all types of classic cars are in the shows in multiples. I notice the imports will be like 2 to 5 cars max and different brands. I'm shocked 350's never rep in tx considering the amount of modded ones I see. Sometimes in Arlington highlands, there's an asian guy with the sickest stage 3 350z in the area. But I've yet to see that guuy in the car shows. I wish more of us were social in tx.
As far as NISMO visibility... I think its just Tx. NISMO's are... NOT common by any means. Just more visible. People tend to see bases and NISMO's. I honestly believe its probably the preffered car for many texan enthusiasts. Numbers mean everything here... having that extra 18/6 for texans is a big deal. So the NISMO will sell better.
My dealer always needs to stock at least 3 every month, then they have about 3 base manuals, 1 touring auto and another base auto, without sport.

Usually they ONLY get sport pkgs from the factory at my dealership when someone orders one. They push MSRP hard on sprt pkg orders. I think all DFW dealers do this and that's where the imbalance of more NISMO than sport pkg come from. I notice you don't see many sport pkg's in dfw till the third sales quarter. And even then, its mostly touring, sport, auto nav for. 42-44k. The base and non nav's are definately the rare breed in North Tx.