New dynos and some new conclusions!
I want to somewhat amend my earlier position on the G3's. Comparing mine to another 7AT with similar mods, the G3's car definitely made more power at peak (same day, same dynojet) -- much more than I would have expected!
Average gains over sucessive runs were closer, but there is no denying the power difference is there.
Now to be fair, this is not a PERFECT comparion. Some of the diferences could be due to other factors -- the Berk CBE outperforming my Nismo Weldina, for example -- but the peak differences are almost certainly due to the G3's outperforming the panel filters and tubes.
I think if you can find the G3's for $350 or less, it's definitely worth it over the smooth tubes and filters (if I can find a good bargin on one, I too may switch -- then we'll have very conclusive back to back evidence of the difference on the same car, same mods for all else! Anyone wanna chip in?

On a budget, I stand by my earlier conclusion that the filters and tubes will do a good job, and are worth the money, especially given the incredible ease of installation.
However, the G3's definitely deserve way more credit than I had previously given them -- dynos below.