Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Like I said. I'm not worried about it for myself. I'm going FI and the stock cooler in new york laymans terms is "GAHBIDGE"! Lol. BUT, I. Beg to differ on how this car is Sold. Here in Dallas, many dealers immediately throw out its a "Niché true sports car" and immediately throw out there MSRP as the God amount. You have to know how to hustle in Tx and be willing to walk away from many a lot to get a fair deal on a Z. I do agree the "reality" we get a lot of guys that buy this dedicated sports car and cry like babies about road noise and wanting a better way to open the trunk in spite of the fact that its a SPORTS CAR. But anyway, I feel instead of asking for heated mirrors or powered mirrors and all that crap. For the type of car it is, performance enhancers are what the changes should be. And I don't mean going V8, getting turbos for a $2k jump in price or some of the other unrealistic ideas people have. I mean fixing basic performance flaws, like oil consumption and limp mode. Or brake cooling. It doesn't look good when regular cars go on a track and outperform in durability against a Z.
I mean, I stand with you there. I was very frustrated with how Nissan handled the oil cooler issue, and refusing to offer a warrantied version for previous owners is fairly weak--though not unexpected.
The dealer calling it a sports car is on them, not Nissan. Nissan doesn't really market the car as a sports car, and any enthusiasts can readily look at the car and see that it is not geared at the hardcore crowd. It's a blast of a car to drive, but it's definitely not a stripped down sports car. I don't think anyone bought the car expecting it to be either.
Of course, the oil cooler issue was more than that...since you get the cooler on cars like the maxima....but that's for another thread.
And no offense Zed its a lot easier for you to dismiss the issue as a past issue when your main priority is the Mustang now. I'm not saying that your Z love isn't there. I'm just saying this issue is less real for you now that you don't have to deal with it.
That's true...but I left the car partly because of how real that issue (amongst others) was. I know how it goes, and Nissan's back-and-forth on issue handling really frustrated me. It's been funny to me to see how certain companies that have a bad rep on warranty issues actually turn out to be really good, whereas others turned out to be much worse than expected.
When I had my Z, it was re-painted several times under warranty. After the first re-paint, Nissan refused to pay for the re-install of a clear bra, and the fight dragged out for around a month....probably wasn't worth my time.
On the second re-paint, they determined that because the orange peel was happening on non-factory paint (dealer re-painted the car), they were not liable
Then, when the car's showed significant rust underneath with only summer driving, it took quite a while to get them to make that right.
On the other hand, they did take care of several of the major issues I had with little complaint...just saying, it's not really new to anyone what kind of company Nissan is when it comes to warranty repairs. You knew going in that they can be a little sheisty, especially when it comes to the oil cooler.
Like I said, me personally. I don't need there crappy cooler. But its a matter of principle. Don't play the part be the part. Or just don't produce the car. I can care less about a trunk release or extra cupholders or whatever BS feature garbage there is.
And I'm not saying there aren't things I wouldn't want improved. But the oil cooler is the ONLY thing aside from brake cooling that I can see Nissan AT LEAST OFFERING.
I DON'T CARE IF THEY TELL CONSUMERS THAT IT WILL BE SOMETHING THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR. Bill them, I don't care... offer it though as a token of standing by your product
See above for comments on Nissan. They've long said it's not a problem, and strictly speaking, they are correct.
Do I think they should offer a warrantied cooler? Of course.
Do I think they can from a financial standpoint? No. It is not just the cost of the cooler/labor (which I'd assume the owner would cover) but an adjustment would be required on the cars already sold and revenue already recognized...not really practical.
I don't understand dinging that cooler as crap though. It should be more than sufficient for anyone's use in anything resembling a stock form. I think that with an upgraded radiator, it will outperform an aircooled system, since you are dealing with less blocked airflow.