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Old 08-04-2009, 03:43 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Weight loss Tips and Working Out Advice

So I recently did this write up for someone and i thought that i share it with everyone else. Who knows someone might need it. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask me. Im a personal trainer and kind of a nutritionist so ill be more then happy to help out if you guys need something

To increase your metabolism you need to eat 6 times a day and exercise properly so this is just to give you an idea on what to eat.

ok so im going to write some combos that you can have for each meal and you can pick either one that you like. There is going to be space between each combo

Meal 1

1 cup of oat meal
1 cup of orange juice(or any other juice)
1 banana (or any other fruit)
1 capsule of OMEGA-3 fish oil

1 cup of or special k cereal
1 cup of orange juice (or any other juice)
5 medium strawberries (or any other fruit)
1 capsule of OMEGA-3 fish oil

2 boiled egg whites
1 pieces of TOASTED whole wheat bread
1 cup orange juice (or any other juice)
1 capsule of OMEGA-3 fish oil

Meal 2

1 apple or peach or banana or 5 strawberries (or any other fruit)
1 pieces of TOASTED whole wheat bread
1 slice of cheese (your choice but pick something healthy)

Meal 3
1 4oz chicken breast (boiled or in the oven..NOT FRIED)
1 cup of mixed greens
1 small tomato (or any other type of vegetable)
1 small cucumber (or any other type of vegetable)
1 Small carrot(or any other type of vegetable)

1 cup of tuna salad
ingredients canned tuna (look for the one that has the least amount of sodium. its most likely going to be bumble bee tuna)
1 tea spoon of low fat sour cream or mayo
1/2 cup of chopped celery for crunchy feeling

3 slices of turkey breast meat
2 slices of toasted whole wheat bread
1 small tomato
3 leafs of lettuce
1 tea spoon of low fat sour cream

meal 4

10 almonds
10 peanuts not salted

or just eat the trail mix but make sure you only eat 20-25 pieces of mixed nuts

meal 5

Grab a granola bar or something similar

you can have meal number 5 before meal number 4 and vise versa but only for meal number 4 & 5

meal number 6 is the most important, stay away from sweet corn around this time and potatoes (lots of carbs that you dont want)

2 6oz chicken breast (6oz= the size of your palm)
2 cups mixed greens
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar or 1 table spoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 6 oz fish fillet (any fish low in fat)
2 cups of mixed greens
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar or 1 table spoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 6oz turkey breast
2 cups of mixed greens
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 Vegetable (anything you like)
1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar or 1 table spoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice

you can pick any combination that you want from above and its only going to be anywhere from 1300-1500 calories a day compared to the crappy sodium filled food that you eat thats im sure well above 2500.

when you eat something make sure it doesnt contain a lot of salt or sodium because salt holds in water in your body and thats extra weight that you dont need so stay away from salt and salty foods.

a little trick... Ice cold water increases you metabolism because your body uses energy to bring up the heat of the water to your body temperature hence increasing you metabolism.

when your working out dont buy Gatorade and stuff like that. it only makes you thirsty and want more. what you do instead is buy a water bottle. fill it up 25-30% with ice and the rest mix half water and half juice. any type of juice can work: orange juice apple juice etc....NOT SODA lol

when you drink water it makes you tired fast.
If you drink juice while working out it makes you thirsty but it gives you energy but if you mix them both you get energy and it takes care of the thirst.

last trick to working out.... CHEW GUM because it keeps your mouth moist and you dont get thirsty that often. but try to get something with not a lot of sugar.

Work Out Schedule

Monday...Work out on your legs only
Tuesday...Chest and back
Wed.... biceps and triceps (your arms)
Thursday....Legs again
Saturday......cardio (treadmill, running, sports, hiking, swimming etc)

work out on your abs everyday

Thats about it any questions?
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