Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
To get back on topic a bit, you could also do what I did and just pick up a used set of G3's. Got them shipped for $300 and they work perfectly 
well... I sort of wanted to try something different number 1, secondly I really would prefer to not do any cutting... third... it's VERY hard to get a used set of G3's before other people jump on them, everyone has them... their power gains mostly are at the top end where I feel the PMT's and drop ins would benefit throughout more of the power band and with the fang vents also help up top. Lastly... after all mods are installed i'm not convinced the G3's are really the best option. I also don't want to have to take the bumper off and continue to do so to clean them... even if they are good for 50k miles, I would NEVER let them go that long. I might let mine go for 5k miles at most.