Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Then there was the time we had a small water leak in the front yard. After digging-up approximately half the yard and never finding the leak, we called a plumber. The guy found the leak in two minutes about a foot from where we initially started digging.
My electrical skills are epic as well. Wired a dimmer in the dining room an hour before a big party for my wife's family. Ten minutes before guests start arriving, the wife realizes the switch is dimming half the lights in the house and the switch is "getting kinda warm". Luckily, no fire truck that time.
First and last time I cut a tree down was right after Katrina and it fell the opposite way and almost hit the house.
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Here's a simple one - was changing the wiper blades on my wife's Odyssey a few years back when I knocked the empty wiper arm down and cracked the one week old replacement windshield.
Seems like you have a lot of these stories