Originally Posted by RunNgun
More like stupid truck drivers. How often do you see these tanks driving down the road or poorly parked in shopping malls with nothing more than some little lady or otherwise single individual piloting this monstrosity! If you cant drive the car, or even have a use for that much space, please save us all the annoyance of watching you try.
Texas has a lot of moronic car drivers too. Its just that Texas truck drivers are sooo bad that you forget about how bad the car drivers are. The slanted parking thing drives me up a wall. And why is it everyone in texas is friggin handicapped? Go to the mall, you'll see a monster truck with a handicap sticker. Come on really??? I went to the casino's in oklahoma. The casino had 50 handicap spots. I kid you not!!! Every single car was from texas while the Okies were parked in regular spots.
How bad is it when a quad in a van is using his last bit of independence to get himself to a store while some overweight moron is too lazy to walk so he asks for a handicap sticker due to knee pain. So now the quad has to park in the back??? Wow... Here's an idea. Lose the weight to relieve some pressure walk to get some exercise and let "the real handicapped guy" have the parking???