Originally Posted by shabarivas
So by that logic... how is a twin clutch not taking the "skill" out of driving ie - shifting? Are you serious? If SRM is taking skill away then so does a twin clutch... I agree that they are progressing towards making driving "easier" - whatever that means haha... but in an AWD car - which was unheard of until recent years - you get all 4 wheels on the ground w/ power... which is also a "technological advance" if you remember that it used to be JUST FWD and RWD.... so could we say that AWD takes skill away from driving? absolutely not... just like that SRM and dual clutches are just the way things are headed... its evolution... (no pun intended  ) ... and it will be widely accepted once it proves itself ... just like AWD did.. just like dual clutches are doing now...
If you are saying it takes more skill to drive an evo at the limit than it does to drive a Z at its limit.. then you are lying to yourself... with all that said.. I do miss my X 
a twin clutch IS taking skill out of driving, I did not say it didn't. That was actually part of my previous point. I don't think one is worse than the other, they are equal in my mind. Wow, I am really not getting through to you. Nowhere did I say an Evo takes more skill to drive at the limit, all I said is that the Evo does not drive itself. I am a firm believer that RWD is more challenging to drive than AWD.