Originally Posted by shadoquad
True beauty is inner beauty. All the rest is just window dressing to get laid.
Originally Posted by sexZness
 no one cares about inner beauty nowadays and if you're not pretty on the outside, guys wont even give the time of day to get to see your inner beauty 
Originally Posted by shadoquad
Yes and no. shallow, surface fixes can get someone into a few dates with you, but an ugly person will drive men away.
Exterior beauty is necessary to get the first impressions correct, but you have to be a good person to make it last. All relationships are relative, though. If you're a shallow cvnt and you find a partner who doesn't mind shallow cvnts, maybe that works for you. I think that most folks are looking for more if it's long term.
both wrong
true beauty is a combination of both in and out.
mmm.. in and out burger...
damn i just make myself hungry.