Originally Posted by bullitt5897
Mook I came from an '07 s2000 and I will tell you this. I am FAR MORE HAPPIER with my 370z than the s2000... I went through the entire modding cycle with the s2000 and had 257rwhp on my S. I had fully tricked out KW's and I tracked the car along with Daily Driving. I am still a member of my local s2k club and I take my Z to the meets and track events. I will tell you this... "The Z by FAR hands the s2000 its a$$ both on the track( tight road courses like lil tally) and on the street." You may call the extra weight gimmicky but I at least have a NAV system and full Car computer built in. The car is more comfortable for longer drives 14hrs+ and can handle the mountain roads like a champ. The Sport brakes are insanely better. while, on the track I watched as I passed fellow s2k owners going into the turn broke later and kept higher speeds through out the turn in my STOCK 370z. In my s2k I was able to pull off 1:11's @ lil tally (talladega grand prix) fully modded. With the Z I pulled 1:12's on my warm up laps and was consistently in the 1:10's in the rain!!!! so tell us why all these smaller cars are that much better... because you perceive that they are faster.... hmmmmm just doesnt cut it for me.
Recently, I received tons of hate from my once s2000 brethren from making the switch but after they drove the car every single one of them said if they had the money they would make the switch. I miss aspects of my s2000 not in its stock form but what I had made it. However, I look forward to what I am going to be able to do with the 370z. My goal 600 usable rwhp to start.
If you like your Mazdaspeed 3 go for it! for the money thats a fun lil ride! I however put it in the same class as the miata "Best fun under 90mph and $25k"

, in my case i don't own or have owned an s2k, but 3 of my close friends do. the S is farrrr from the 370, with all of my friends agreeing. i used to enjoy driving their s2ks when i had my 350 but now that i have the 370 the s2k's do nothing for me in any department.