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Old 10-16-2011, 09:48 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I'll give my two cents. I think I was the first to DIY this on the 370z. When I did mine I had to use the G37 manual, so be thankful there is a z one now. As far as installation there were points where i got over whelmed and had to walk away for a few mins clear my mind. I installed mine on jack stands with motor still in the car. I refered to modme diy if i got stuck, somethings he had and others he didn't. The big thing I would say is start reading the manual now and looking for the drill bits and taps now since they were not very common ones and took me a day or two to get. Other special tool you will need is a 90deg drill so you can drill in to the heads for the new manifold. Not all Z's will have the pre-drilled holes, infact very few have them so plan that yours won't. Read the instructions and go step by step. I kind of rushed through my install since I took a week off from work and honestly wasn't enough time. If I was you I would plan for two weeks to do the install. I know someone said a week but I really don't think it can be done on jack stands. Maybe mine took longer because I am stupid and using the G manual. Also you will need badaids and peroxide so get that while shopping. You also might hace a hard time getting the coolant lines on the turbo tight enough so they don't leak. If you call sam he can give youthe part number to the tool they use which snap on sells it. Good luck was something I enjoyed doing but don't think I would want to do again on my back with out a lift.
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