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Old 08-03-2009, 01:16 PM   #115 (permalink)
Ryan@Forged Sponsor
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Originally Posted by shabarivas View Post
Hey Ryan... i dont know if you have driven an X before but what armensti said could not be closer to the truth... there are "drive assist" computers working always in the case of the X. It modulates power to each wheel based on turn in angle and what not... the car IS helping you drive and gives you a perception of going through a turn a lot smoother and faster (it is this way all the way up to the limit of the car ... and when you pass the limit and the computers start tripping out - you get into accidents)... All he was saying is the following - w/ an AWD you get tricked into a false sense of security - but essentially the car is doing the work that the driver should be doing hence you countersteer less etc etc... w/ a RWD... you gotta do the work...your diff can only help so much.

I can honestly say... driving the evo x made me MUCH crappier at driving any other car- even my G35 when I had both. It was noticeable to the point where my friends would tell me that I used to be better at driving my G before my Evo... Now that I dont have my X anymore - im back to RWD land and they tell me that now they notice the change ... driving isnt so sloppy...
I have indeed driven an X and I know what you are referring to. My original argument was of the 8/9 but in the case of the X I believe you are referring to the AYC System. One of us should have clarified which model Evo was being used as my comments were originally directed for the 8/9. However, where you may have assists on the X, etc it does not modulate what the car is and is not capable of. I don't feel it drives the car for you, although I will admit I can see that point of view. The statement that lead to this entire discussion was that the "370z handles better than the Evo" So from this point of view the Evo (X in this case) with all the driver assists would still handle better than the 370z correct?

Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
So, if the EVO X has computers to modulate power being put down to the wheels....what would we call SyncroRev Matching?

Some think these things dull the driving experience. Others think there is nothing wrong with it. Its a debate that will continue forever.
Well said. I know countless drivers, some of them my friends, who don't know how to rev match, heel-toe, etc. Having a Rev Matching feature eliminates the need for this skill altogether. In my opinion if you don't know how to rev match you don't know how to properly drive a manual transmission. I see the rev matching feature more as driving the car for you than having computers that are calculating your pitch.
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