Originally Posted by Namir
You'd be surprised how many people go to the ER with things shoved up their butts.
I used to work in the ER x-ray and we saw some weird stuff.
Scissors, flashlights, lightbulbs, toys etc.
The weirdest was an elderly man who came in with a plastic PEAR in his as$.
He wouldn't tell us why or how it got there, only that he wanted it gone.
Later his wife told us he has a history of putting things there.
I wanted to tell him EXIT ONLY! But he wasn't very friendly.
That was hilarious
Originally Posted by Namir
Oh btw, how do I get something other than "Base Member" under my name.
I want to be special. Can I be the ladies lounge assistant moderator?
I've always wondered what goes on in those threads.....
Every 250 posts, your user title will change by forum default(base member --->Enthusiast Member ---->Track member etc). But if you want to change it to a custom text, you have to be a premium member.
I will let sunsational answer your ladies lounge question even though one of the first condition to get inside the ladies lounge is that you have to be a female
