You can do it, just give yourself lots of time and focus on it one major component at a time. Dont let yourself get overwhelmed, one part at a time. Do not strip anything out or round off any hardware and you will be fine. Be prepared at any time to have to stop and pickup/order a different tool to allow you to reach something.
You cannot really "leave the boost inactive", however you will find the first time you drive the car that you control the boost with the gas pedal. If you just drive it lightly, it will not spool enough to generate enough airflow to risk hurting the engine. You can just drive it nicely to your tuner of choice. If you purchase the turn-key kit, then in theory you are safe to boost it right away, especially if you have the proper gauges to make sure everything is doing its job. But for those who arent surrounded by this stuff every day, I can imagine being more comfortable letting an experienced tuner with a dyno be the first one to boost the car.
I am not saying it has to take this long at all... but you should give yourself 3 weeks to do it in your spare time. You could do it in a week, it all depends on your experience level and tool set.
Last edited by phunk; 10-12-2011 at 03:12 PM.