I like E85 in the following ways:
*cheaper than 100 octane, by far, i believe i currently pay $3.30
*once you get used to the smell, its more pleasant in a car without cats than gasoline is... my clothes dont stink after 2 hours in the car, and the entire car doesnt smell like exhaust
*higher octane
i dislike it because
*pain in the *** to get. more than half the "e85 stations" listed on the websites that locate for you, no longer carry it. i believe e85 was a trend that is dying... i was expecting it to be much more available but its actually quite a hassle to get it.
* not a huge deal but the loss in mileage is noticable once the fuel level gauge is down around 1/3, it starts moving REAL fast down once it gets there. 1/3 tank is the point where i cannot risk taking the car anywhere but towards an e85 station, because it will drop LEDs way faster than you expect and next thing you know youre empty. i have ran out of gas only once so far, luckily i had enough speed to coast into the station and stop 5 feet short of the e85 pump
if its available in someones area, i would say its great for anyone on a stock engine because with 1000cc injectors and an aeromotive stealth pump, you are able to achieve the power levels that you would want to run the stock engine on. its a rather clean combination.
literally my cars HP upgrades are only; Greddy TT, Greddy exhaust, id1000cc injectors, aeromotive stealth fuel pump, DIY osiris tune.. boom over 500rwhp all day... starts up like stock. i love the combo and e85 is part of it so that means i love it too. im sure this all could have been possible on gasoline too, but i would have chosen 720cc or so injectors and just a regular walbro 255 pump.
7400 miles turbo now!!! racking them up. over 35k on this poor car