Originally Posted by ImportConvert
The Z06 has GREAT electronic nannies and will keep all that from happening. You can get 90% of what the car has to offer with EVERYTHING turned on.
When we pulled the ABS and other modules, the car was also very predictable, wet or dry. No crazy fishtailing unless you wanted it to. The main thing people cite is that Randy Pobst article where he complains about it. Well, he's used to driving an AWD Volvo. I never saw any of the instructors or students have any issues with "unpredictable fishtailing" at Spring Mountain. Pobst (*sp) needs to stick with his Volvo.
Ladies and gentlemen, importconvert...the man more skilled than Randy pobst.
Ever wonder if the reason he saw behavior you didn't was because he was driving at the cars limits and you were
maybe at 7/10?
Simply put, the dynamics of a car change dramatically as you approach the limit of the car and the track. The dynamics of the z06 at the limits have been a complaint of many...