Originally Posted by NYBladeZ
Qualm: An uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a course of action
Ever drive the m6 and have an issue getting into 1st? There you go.
The car can't have qualms...it's an inanimate object, and it would be YOU having the qualms in that situation.
Proper use would be "I'm having some qualms about the issues my car has"
Originally Posted by happytheman
I think he meant QUALM
qualm *(kwäm, kwôm)
1. A sudden feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea.
2. A sudden disturbing feeling: qualms of homesickness.
3. An uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a course of action.
i know what he meant, and what the word means....qualm doesn't make any sense in that sentence though.
Originally Posted by NYBladeZ
Love love love love love love love love to the infinite degree. Sure it has its quams but thus far my happiest car purchase.