Originally Posted by ksm144
Anyone else have issues with their gear knob making some weird rattling noise at high RPM i.e. after 6500. This just started a couple days ago early in the morning, temp in the high 50's. It was bad in the morning, but now just comes at high RPM's. I'm confident it is the gear knob/shaft. I just crossed the 4,000 mile marker. Mods are GT Haus exghaust, K&N Filter, and UPREV Tune. I guess I could take it in for warranty, but that seems silly. I'm willing to take the gear knob off myself. Any ideas how to do this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I don't think you have an issue.
just a heads up to remove the shift knob, use a strap wrench and have someone hold the shorter so you don't bend the shaft. its put on with locktite.
if it still bothers you and you want a peice of mind, take it in and have them look.