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Old 10-10-2011, 07:21 PM   #12250 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sexZness View Post
First off, you're right, you don't know me just like i don't know YOU or 90% of this forum but everyone calls everyone else gay and no one seems to have a problem with it unless it's coming from me, whether it be directed at you or not, and by the way, that was a question directed at everyone, so why are you getting all jumpy about it?

Also, no one claims to have an e-crush on me, sir. Get your facts straight. Some people know how to be nice and SOME others just don't. Fortunately, I'm not here to please you, so you can stop trying to change how I look. And how shallow of you, btw, to judge someone by their looks.

Oh, and sorry I don't feel like humping your OG leg or kissing your OG ass. Never knew what your problem really was but if you need to talk about someone, you're always welcome to PM me and we can talk about like adults without attacking each others appearances in public.
I don't have a problem with what you call other people. I've called you out twice, and both of them have been after you have said something to me. And if you wonder why I have a problem when YOU say it, see above, in the post I made like, 5 minutes ago. You don't seem like you're joking, and I'm not free to joke back with you.

Secondly, yes, I'm very shallow. At least we agree on that.

Lastly, who the hell am I? I'm nothing special around here, nor do I expect anyone to kiss my rump just because I've been around a while. I've already addressed my issue, and it has nothing to do you kissing my arse or not.
370z OG

Originally Posted by rooftop View Post
<insert snarky, slightly condescending frost joke>
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