Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Dude that just means we need to invest more money in education, what we have now is obviously not working. How do people expect it to get better by cutting money from education?
Agreed, stop putting money into those who don't care, or those who don't deserve. And put it back into making the American education system like it was. The bar is set HERE, you make it or you fail. Not lowering the bar to your level.
Originally Posted by sexZness
i would totally take on the political debates but too tired for that right now.. especially when i have to argue with YOU  there's no winning with you
I agree with this. The children of this country need a more rigid and challenging education system AND parents need to a better job at PARENTING... the newer generation of younger parents know NOTHING about good parenting, which is what drives me INSANE. The future of this country is riding on the backs of these incompetent morons... 
There is plenty of arguing with me, just don't expect it to be easy. You need to know your topic. lol Silly. And as much as you hate it, you love to stir the pot with me, so don't complain.
I do completely agree with you on that. Parenting in this country doesn't exist. It started in the 80's with the 'entitlement' generation. Now every child believes they should get something just for participating, instead of succeeding. Parents shove their responsibility off on the school system, and then blame the teachers when the student fails. It's ridiculous. Ugh.
But yeah, these morons make the current idiots look like Nobel prize winners.