This is a long th
Originally Posted by brucelidat
Is Dynamat just some material you cut down to whatever size you need? How easy/difficult is it to install the Dynamat? How long do you think the install took? Will the Dynamat add much weight? If someone oculd post a DIY, that would be great! (If there is one already, sorry)
Dynamat and/or Raamat (D/R for short. Similar products from different companies, Raamat costs a little less, Dynamat is better known, they seem to be about equal in performance) is a DIY version (about 0.050"-0.060" of an inch thick) of the asphalt/rubber sound mat the factory installs on cars to suppress/reduce unwanted sound. D/R is self adhesive and foil backed. It is pliable and fairly easy to work with. It trims with household scissors or a utility knife. Do a search on this site or youtube for "Dynamat installation" for actual installation tips. Also you can review this entire thread for more details.
This is a long thread, check it out from the beginning. In prior posts I've discussed weight, coverage and cost in some detail.