I definitely agree with both points as far as the wheels and multiple buckets howeve, I didnt want to overwhelm, or be more long winded than I was LOL... Also I didnt disclose this but I typically never go too long between wash & waxing the car, so its never terribly dirty. I do recommend using different buckets between body and wheels, however unless needed I don't use 2 buckets on the body alone based on the amount of dirt on the car or lack there of. I'm surprised at the responses I've gotten, and so much good info to share between us all! Props to everyone for all of the tips and input!!
Also, so far I haven't treated my actual tires yet with any kind of glossing product i.e. (tire shine, tire wet, etc.) as in the past I have experienced, overspray, and it seems like a magnet that attracts more dirt to your wheels; no matter how hard I try to balance the amount I apply to the wheels. So far I've decided to just remove that step all together... thoughts?? How is everyone else using these products, if at all?