Originally Posted by shadoquad
So, there has been a lot of talk recently about banning all of the 5.owners from the site. As most of you know, my second account (third acct really) is a mod account. So I've been thinking about this very seriously lately. I've come up with the following risk benefit analysis of banning all Mustang owners.
Benefits- Getting rid of all Mustangs would return this site to the heady days when the 370z was the best performance buy for the money (other than GenCoupes and M3's). We could pretend Mustangs don't exist.
- We can talk all the smack we like about stangs. Bench racers and rag statisticians will love the opportunity to talk about how Stangs are "made for straights, but can't handle" and have "ancient SRA tech".
- There would be no more condescension, because as we know, all 370z owners get along and never fight amongst themselves.
- The site would be prettier and better balanced
Risks- Mustang owners are great cuddlers. We would miss spooning with them in the early morning dew.
- Because Race Car
- 5.0 liters of American "cause I told you so"
- We would lose the perspective of owners of performance cars with decent pickup and a Front engine, Rear wheel drive layout.
- The Z needs to look pretty parked next to something.
I say we let them stick around. 
I say we ban them all :|
Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
It's slightly annoying, but you're right, those are the members that couldn't tell a wrench from an ice cream cone, so it's not that big of a deal.
One thing to note is that Modshack has already moved on to his 61st (I think) car. He's in a new GTI now.
Edit: Also wanted to add that I can tell the difference between the guys that are just joking and the ones that are serious. There are only a couple that are actually serious.
Srs Shahid is always srs. :srsface: