Originally Posted by Junkman2008
The time that it takes to fully correct a car cannot be dictated. Not every car has the same type of clear on it, the same level of damage nor does everyone use the same tools or equipment. Thus, the time it takes can vary all over the place. I wouldn't do anyone's car but my own and I can take a week or two at the pace I go. I have to be in the mood to rub on my car and if I ain't, it won't get touched.
If a guy told me it took three weeks for him to complete his car, that wouldn't phase me at all. Everyone has a level of what they consider acceptable and that level can vary from person to person so ChuckD05, take as long as it takes.
As for getting your car painted at Macco Strangler, my God son... back away from the paint fumes. That would be the ultimate disaster that you could do to your car. Take it from someone who knows, and you can tell that I know by looking at this thread. You do NOT want your car painted at Macco!
I totally agree. If someone tells me it takes them a few weeks to do a full paint correction i'm sure they do an awesome job. Just like when someone quotes you 8k for a paint job, you know its not just because they want to rip you off, but because its better quality. My point was, a lot of these people's ideas of a 'full detail' doesnt even involve polishing. So 8 hours for that typical bs dealer detail which is nothing more than crappy wax to hide the swirls, a good interior wash and armor all is a bit excessive IMO.